Meet Raymond: A Journey of Passion, Family, and Adaptability

Moving from the vast plains of Alberta to the charming town of Cornwall wasn’t just a change of scenery for our HR Director—it was a move driven by family, passion, and a lifelong dedication to making a difference in people’s lives. Let’s dive into his story!

Q: What brought you to Morbern?

A: It was all about family. My daughter Rebecca is attending McGill University this fall, and with my younger daughter Christina set to join her next year, being closer to them was a priority. Plus, Cornwall has its own charm that drew us in—it’s a great place to call home.

Q: You’ve had quite an adventurous career in HR. How did it all start?

A: Believe it or not, I kind of stumbled into HR by accident! I studied business administration and majored in marketing, but it didn’t quite click for me. My boss at the time saw something in my ability to build teams and appreciated my attitude, and that’s how I got into HR. It’s been 25 years, and I haven’t looked back since.

Q: Your work has taken you all over the world—what stands out the most?

A: Oh, where to begin! From Egypt to Iraq, Algeria, Pakistan, and the USA, each place taught me something different. However, my most memorable experience was leading HR for the construction of the largest methanol plant in the USA. Dealing with people is my passion, and seeing cultural transformations in the workplace is incredibly rewarding.

Q: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received or like to give?

A: Stay humble, always put yourself in others’ shoes, and focus on facts, not emotions. These principles have guided me through some of the toughest situations, whether I was working in challenging conditions abroad or leading a team through change.

Q: How did you develop such adaptability in your career?

A:  I think it’s a mix of experiences and innate qualities. My dad was a big influence—he was humble and down-to-earth, and I learned a lot from him. Living with a host family during my high school track and football days also taught me flexibility. But it was those early career experiences in different countries and industries that really pushed me to adapt and grow. Plus, winning the state championship in American football during my high school years at Wyoming and being a three-time medalist in track and field taught me the value of perseverance and resilience—qualities that have been crucial in my career.

Q: Speaking of track and football, where do your daughters get their drive?

A: It might run in the family! Rebecca is ranked in the Top 10 in Track and Field and was valedictorian, and Christina has her own talents and ambitions. I guess they’ve seen what hard work and passion can achieve, and they’re following their own paths with determination.

Q: After such a dynamic career, what keeps you motivated?

A: Seeing the impact of my work—whether it’s establishing policies, improving morale, or watching a company culture transform. And, of course, being part of a team that’s making a difference every day. That’s what drives me.

Q: Lastly, how do you like Cornwall so far?

A: It’s been wonderful! The community is welcoming, the pace of life is just right, and it’s great to be close to my family. Plus, working at Morbern has been an exciting new chapter. I’m looking forward to what’s next!